The Matrix Resurrections movie might look a bit different to longtime Matrix fans, according to Keanu Reeves. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Keanu Reeves compared the upcoming Matrix movie to the original Matrix trilogy and how there was very little rehearsal involved. While speaking on director Lana Wachowski's approach on the new film in comparison to the original trilogy, he said, "She was more behind the monitor" but "still hands-on". [With Resurrections] she was participating more with the movement of the camera, and more interested in doing than rehearsing. [We] barely rehearsed, if at all. The Matrix movies are known for their dynamic, well choreographed fight scenes, so it'll be interesting to see how the Matrix Resurrections pulls off such a feat. One thing's for sure, this Matrix film will be significantly different from the original trilogy, especially with actor Yahya Abdul-Mateen II portraying Morpheus, the role famously played by Laurence Fishburne. And that's not the only departure from the original trilogy we'll be seeing in Matrix Resurrections. Newcomer to the franchise, Jessica Henwick, told Entertainment Weekly that Resurrections has a new tone and look, giving the film an overall joyous feel. Keanu then chimed in and said he was surprised by how much humor was in the movie. Matrix fans are no doubt excited for #TheMatrixMovie and ready to see what #MaxtrixResurrections has instore for Neo, Trinity and the entire Matrix cast. And finally, we all love games and jam, so we thought it'd be fun to partner with Rogue Games to produce Rogue Jam: a brand-new game jam offering exclusive development deals to competing indie game developers.
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